torstai 7. maaliskuuta 2013

Days 166-167: Self-sabotage – turning my back to myself

fuck off, I'm busy


I was planning on continuing to write about music but I got stuck. I lived out a pattern of self-sabotage today which I will open up as the experience now faded enough for me to move again.

This self-sabotage began with me working in spite of my resistance towards my tasks – and I emphasize the word “spite” because I wasn't pushing through the resistances by letting them go, but instead more like saying “fuck you” to myself as the resistance, like turning my back to myself completely when I should've assisted and supported myself to stop and face the initial resistance towards my tasks. There was resistance, I noticed the resistance, I decided to not deal with it with the justification that I had a lot to do (“I can't afford to stop now”), and I accumulated the stress caused by this moment after moment, decision after decision until I was once again at such a state where my body was shutting down and I was forced to have a break. I realized I'm repeating a pattern, and so I laid down, stabilized myself within breath, let go of all my tasks and “have to's” and relaxed my body.

This is the same thing that happened to me before, as described in the post I have to keep moving, almost exactly identical in fact. This time around I didn't get any physical pain, but a feeling of constraint in all of my being, like I was being squeezed inside a fist.

So today I did get stuff done, but concerning the state I am in now and the loss of time and energy on solving this mess it was not worth it. Some factors contributing to my state of being today have been the overconsumption of sugar and being completely out of breath for the entire day.



I am continuing with this for the second day because I was unable to continue further yesterday. It has been a good decision because today from the morning onwards I was more aware of myself and the inner movements that caused yesterday's experience.

I decided to pay attention to all moments when I create resistance to do something – to not accept and allow any of those moments to slip by unnoticed as I did yesterday. It was interesting because the very first moment of resistance I noticed was when waking up, which is unusual to me because normally I get up with no trouble at all. My reaction to my alarm was *ring ring* “I don't wanna” instead of the usual *ring ring* “yes, now I get up”. And the very second moment of resistance came when I wondered into the kitchen and saw the dishes I had been piling up for days: “I don't want to” was again my response.

So these small moments of resistance came and went and I tried to face them as much as possible. However, we were so busy at work today that despite my efforts to keep myself in check the frustration accumulated to a point where I had an argument with my work partner.

What I'm seeing here is that right now as my situation is somewhat demanding concerning my work load I create resistance towards small things more easily – the threshold for my resistances to be triggered is really low. As these small triggers keep firing from my first waking moments it's no wonder that by the evening I literally can't carry myself on my feet anymore.

So as I ignore a moment of resistance I actually give the resistance permission to exist, and I accept and allow it to take hold of me. It's like I'm closing my eyes and hoping that it will go away – but again, through spite and with a “fuck you” because I'm tired of these resistances existing. So when I see that there is resistance the reaction is like “why the fuck are you here?” because I'm tired of dealing with the same shit and would like to be done with it already.

So hold on here. Let's have a closer look at this. I'm now looking at a specific moment from yesterday where I was doing sewing work and thought I would watch something at the same time. I had an urge to watch some silly TV shows, but I shoved this desire to have a laugh aside and thought “NO. I will instead watch this documentary.” and ignored the uncomfortable feeling (of suppression) that was left lingering. The tone of the “NO” was more specifically “no, you idiot! God, here we go again with this stupid desire to waste time on entertainment”. So I quietly allowed a shitload of judgement to come up completely unnoticed.

So, to further simplify, the chain of command is: (null point) – desire – reaction – judgement – suppression – action – resistance towards action. The desire then lingers and the action is half-assed.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to turn my back on myself when I need my self-support and -assistance the most.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to an arising point with frustration and continue on to judge myself for the point, when I should instead be forgiving myself and directing the point.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to choose to ignore a point instead of directing it, not realizing that ignoring the point will not change it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to an arising point with frustration because I fear facing who I have accepted and allowed myself to become.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to seeing a point I have seen in myself before with fear because it is an indication that I have not been living according to my commitment and need to have a closer look at what I'm doing and make a re-assessment of my starting point – which I fear doing because I would then have to admit that I have “failed” and not reached the ideal form I want to become.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create and uphold an ideal about who I should become as I walk my process and constantly give myself feedback about how far or close I am to the ideal. [This I need to elaborate on.]

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to perceive and judge myself to have “failed” when a point re-surfaces, because this brings out the fear that I will never be able to change, that I will always fail – not realizing that this is an emotionally filtered view of what is actually here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to view my situation through despair and thus perceive it to be more serious and dramatic than it actually is.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as a point re-surfaces it is simply an indicator that there is something I missed the last time I was facing this point and that it would benefit me and everyone and everything else that I had another look at the point.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the consequence of me not going through a point thoroughly is that the point will re-surface – this is pure mathematics of cause and effect – and that the consequence of this action in itself does not hold any kind of value (in this case: negative) unless I assign it a value by separating the point from myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not want to see myself as one and equal to the consequences of my actions (the points that re-surface when I have not been thorough).

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the consequences of my actions because facing them and seeing myself as one and equal to them would be too uncomfortable.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to perceive having a point re-surface as “negative” as I have not wanted to stand as one with and equal to the point and rather separated it from myself to have it somewhere outside of myself in the “negative” compartment where it could be judged without me getting judged.

I commit myself, when and as a point I have already been dealing with comes up again in my living, to stop, breathe and face the myself as the point in question – myself as living as the point. I take note of any and all judgement towards the point (self-judgement towards myself) which may be seen in violent backchat or resistance to face the point. If there is resistance to face the point, I stop, breathe and return myself here, and remind myself that the point is and will be here whether I face it or not, and that by running away from it I make sure I will not change. I then utilize self-forgiveness to let go of the the self-judgement and when I am done with this I will proceed to dealing with the initial point that I reacted to.

I commit myself to realize that if I turn my back on myself by being spiteful towards myself, I deny myself the only source of support that I can actually rely on and thus live as self-sabotage.

I commit myself to realize that to truly love and care for myself is to be there for myself unconditionally, like a parent to a child.

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